Serial COM

This is obviously not network related, but as the whole shebang that evolved into this driver originates in code written for controlling the robotic creatures of Berlin's machinery art ensemble Dead Chickens (where serial communication is still pretty much common), it seemed logical to also include the serial stuff here. Hopefully it will be useful to somebody.

Serial COM channels by default run raw MIDI bytes over serial connections. There is some more specialized support for a handful of DMX interfaces, enabling you to send DMX directly from a MIDI sequencer.

Serial channels need to be created and configured manually. Type Control + to create a new channel. Set the mode popup to "Serial" and select the COM port your hardware is connected to. By default serial communication parameters will be 115200 kBaud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. This should cover 99% of use-cases and both the Baudrate and Serial Params fields can remain to be empty. If you need something else, enter the desired baudrate and combine the rest of your parameter values (in the mentioned order) into 12 bits (so four bits per field) and put that into the "Serial Params" textfield. Click OK and patch the channel that will be created to the MIDI port you want to send from / receive on.

DMX interface support is limited to those I had access to over the years (listed in order of how much I would "recommend" them):

Enttec USB DMX Pro - Probably the most widely used USB DMX box out in the wild. Does in and output though not simultanously. Sold under various brand names and in various form factors (and usually at somewhat questionable prices).
Enttec Open DMX - super basic, unisolated, unidirectional (does either do in- or output). This may seem cheap at first, but looking at the hardware you get, it's still way overpriced.
Cinetix USB DMX - good bidirectional interface with the usual hilarious Cinetix API. As Cinetix has closed shop this will no longer be available first hand. Used to be rather expensive. It's also easily overrun by professional setups' dmx data amounts in merge modes.
Eurolite USB DMX - This has a "Pro" in its original name, but I'll leave that away here. Output only, slow as hell, no auto refresh functionality.

With these interfaces MIDI CCs and Note events on channels 1 - 4 will set the output level on 512 DMX channels.