Multicast Channels:
Sets the number of ipMIDI compatible multicast channels (0 - 4).
mDNS Loopback:
Show other RTP hosts running on this machine.
WebMIDI Usage:
Allow Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera etc. to load the driver.
Exe Blacklist: |
mnet will only work in one program at a time. There are numerous applications that may load MIDI drivers for no apparent reason (or rather for reasons related to how some Windows system frameworks work) and will then block the driver from being used in the MIDI application you may want to use it with. It is unlikely that the internal "this makes no sense" list will ever be able to know about them all. Plus there are of course also programs that may have perfectly good reasons to look for MIDI drivers, but that may still not be the one you intend to use at a given point in time. If you come accross a program that hijacks the driver and you want to prevent it from doing so, you can add the executable's name here. The control panel will show the program that loaded the driver on the right hand side of the upper toolbar. The ".exe" suffix does not need to be given.
Write Log File:
In case of problems enable this and send me the logfile which will be written to USER_HOME/mnet.log
Reset To Defaults: |
Will reset everything to defaults when the driver is loaded the next time.